L’etichetta di qualità per  le app di healthcare.


FISIODOC Medical records just a tap away with FisioDoc! Free app for physiotherapists FisioDoc is the new free app developed specifically for physiotherapists, allowing them to compile and file their patients’ medical records. It has a simple and efficient structure. Its intuitive and highly practical design allows physiotherapists to access all their patients’ data with a simple “tap”. Users can store basic information, such as personal details, for every patient, as well as associating the patient’s activity with physical symptoms. FisioDoc can be used to enter all the information on the case from the very first visit, to produce and store the patient’s medical history, and to associate this with other disorders where present. FisioDoc can also be used to memorise all the patient’s clinical data, instrumental test results and prescriptions issued by the referring doctor, accompanied by personal observations, photographs and films that record the various phases of therapy. It can keep a record of tests (joints, muscles, neurological) carried out and the Barthel scale. Physiotherapists can use FisioDoc to select a treatment and memorise it within a specific patient record, as well as to look back at previously treated cases and assess their efficacy on the basis of subsequent cases, thanks also to the app’s ability to associate and index films and photos with each record. FisioDoc communicates with the FISIOWARM® 7.0 app as regards the protocols, which can be customised and linked to the patient file. As well as offering another advantage for FISIOWARM® users, FisioDoc is a very useful tool that can benefit all professionals working in the sector. FisioDoc is also integrated with the device calendar for the best possible time management. Physiotherapists will benefit from the app immediately thanks to its intuitive design, reliable data storage and rapid consultation. It provides physiotherapists with a rich database, making it a truly performance-enhancing work aid. Main features: ● patient data entry ● examination and measurement entry with average values ● personal observation entry ● test result entry ● Cloud data exports via email and Bluetooth ● data imports ● possibility to use alongside appFisiowarm® ● integration with the device calendar ● medical history entry ● accompanying image and film entry ● ongoing assessment
IOS app
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Prenditi cura della tua app.

Con la validazione dell’ISS darai alla tua app tutta l’affidabilità che professionisti della sanità e utenti cercano da sempre. Un’etichetta di qualità che garantisce ai primi uno strumento utile nel loro lavoro, ai secondi un mezzo per valutarne i benefici.

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Baasbox al fianco dell’ISS.

Il progetto, promosso dall’ISS, è realizzato con la collaborazione di Baasbox: il partner migliore per la costruzione di percorsi e tecnologie di sviluppo ad alto impatto, con una gamma completa di servizi nel campo della progettazione digitale.

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